In January of 2021 four year project starts in Zambia which is funded by Ministry for Foreing Affairs, project aims to promote sustainable usage of natural resources and gender equality. Project carried out by Afstor, YMCA, Green Living Movement Zambia and Green Living Movement Finland provides wide angled approach in improving environmental conditions and living in targeted villages. Project promotes usage of renewable energy, sustainable sources of livelihood, reforestation and availability of fresh water. Project is coordinated by Green Living Movement.
Afstor will provide Solar Cookers with induction stove to households in village. Solar Cookers improves opportunity of women for taking a part in activities outside household, like acquiring a job when time is not consumed by gathering wood. Environmental conditions improves as timber isn’t chopped to firewood, but it is left for binding CO2 from atmosphere and providing natural benefits. Families are commit to use part of spared time for reforestation by planting trees. Availability of fresh water is improved by borehole wells. Communities in villages are trained to maintain their natural resources in sustainable way, develop sources of livelihoods and productivity of agriculture. This community based approach is verified in previous projects and it shows best and enduring results.
Beneficiaries are 500 households in Monze and Mazabuka in Southern-Zambia. Gender equality and activity of women is highlighted in project and education is provided from gender equality as usually women will take care of task is house, provide income and are also vulnerable for effects of climate change.
Green Living Movement Finland is founded at 2008 to provide support for Zambian sister organization by voluntarily work. Their mission is to reduce poverty in village communities at countryside with sustainable methods. From 2012 they have accomplished different project funded by Ministry of Foreing Affairs, in total of ten different communities in countryside at Zambia and Swaziland. Afstor is pleased from new cooperation project with these partners.